Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's the little things, folks...

Wanna know what really makes me happy on this late nights in hotel rooms when I'm so tired I could just die but can't sleep cause I miss my husband?

I can have every one of my lifelines open at once but not taking up 800 tabs at the bottom of the screen. I appreciate this, Internet Explorer.

Thank you.

When in Savannah...

...do as the Savannahans do....

Yeah, I just realized I don't know what they're called. But, that's not important. Do you know what is? In Savannah?

Yes, Paula Deen... but do you know what's important to Paula Deen?


Don't worry, I didn't eat all of the 4 tbsp they gave me to put on my baked potato.... even though I WAS tempted. I mean, Paula would have...

How do I know that?

Cause she has little kid shirts in her store that say this:

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Sooound of the Sooouth!

Pretty cool to see the ol Sound of the South represented in a video game!

Ok, if it's not showing up on your screen for some reason (I know nothing about technology!) you can go to the link here:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Crafty Creativity Update

So y'all may remember a previous post where I discussed my new flair for craftiness. Well, someone (yes, you know who you are) has been asking to see some of the latest cards I've made. Well, I've made three cards lately - exciting huh? But you should probably know that I've been so busy and my brain has been hurting so much that they were all the same card. I just used different colors. What can I say, when the brain is full, there are limits to the things I can do.

So here's some pics of the cards I made.

By the way I do have a slight addiction to my Sizzix products.... but never fear - I ALWAYS buy when they're on sale... for the most part. It's funny though cause as I purchase the cute die cuts I can totally see how I will use them in the future on a scrapbook page or card. I've been working on more scrapbook pages, but the problem is they take just a little longer and require more focus than making a card. So, yes, I am STILL in the process of scrapping our trip to Vegas... from last October... as we plan our trip to Vegas for this year. Aye yae yae, I've got to get moving on that. But anyway, that's just a side note.

What could be sidetracking me from getting this done other than the work trips and just plain brain tiredness, you ask? Well... in the midst of this, I have also decided I need to add another deminsion to my craftiness... or domesticness, if you will. When Paula - Matt's mother - was in town a few weeks ago, I got her to show me the basics of knitting. Yeah, it seemed pretty ok easy, but I did a little research online and it just seemed like most people thought crocheting was a little easier. And that's what I'm looking for - easy domesticness!

So now, when my brain starts to shut down and I just want to sit in front of the tv, I do this:

I know, I'm totally a Grandma - before I'm a Ma.

And yes, my loving handsome husband is AMAZED at my talent of being able to crochet and still watch the tv well enough to know EVERYTHING that is happening on the latest episode of Tori & Dean.

But I enjoy it. It's the first one, and I'm learning from a how to book. I started to follow a pattern and then realized I didn't want to focus enough to really understand what that crazy pattern was "saying" with all of it's *s and sc and dc language. So, I just made my own pattern! Therefore, I've decided afghan #1 will belong to Dixie. She won't care if it looks a little crooked or ghetto. She just wants to lay on it!

Anywho... so there's my update on craftiness. More updates on other genre's to come...

I'm Alive!

I know, it's been a while. And I just KNOW you were all wondering where I've been. Well let me tell ya - everywhere! Well, all over the Southeast anyway. Working, traveling, vacationing, yada. So, needless to say, there's really alot I could catch y'all up on...

So I'm about to start working on that.

Stay tuned.