Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Reason #486,231...
He's the best husband ever...

So, I haven't been home for three weeks... some work & some vacation travel... but when I finally did get home - tragedy! We're out of diet cokes! And we're exhausted! Oh well, I'll just have to go in the morning and get it after I've been able to sleep for about 32 hours.
And me going to the store - or anywhere for that matter - in the mornings before a Diet Coke is not unlike that McDonald's commercial where the guy is incapable of talking to anyone until he gets his coffee. Diet Coke is my morning lifeline... Let's just say it's best for everyone that I have it.
Knowing me like he does, my handsome husband woke up before me (shocker) and while going to get his morning paper, took a detour to the Diet Coke aisle. And just to make sure there was a nice cold one ready for me when I woke up, had it ready to go on ice!
Nothin' but love for that man...
That's not all, friends, he also made us his famous bacon, egg & cheese sandwiches! Sorry no pic... it wasn't around long enough for that.

So, I haven't been home for three weeks... some work & some vacation travel... but when I finally did get home - tragedy! We're out of diet cokes! And we're exhausted! Oh well, I'll just have to go in the morning and get it after I've been able to sleep for about 32 hours.
And me going to the store - or anywhere for that matter - in the mornings before a Diet Coke is not unlike that McDonald's commercial where the guy is incapable of talking to anyone until he gets his coffee. Diet Coke is my morning lifeline... Let's just say it's best for everyone that I have it.
Knowing me like he does, my handsome husband woke up before me (shocker) and while going to get his morning paper, took a detour to the Diet Coke aisle. And just to make sure there was a nice cold one ready for me when I woke up, had it ready to go on ice!
Nothin' but love for that man...
That's not all, friends, he also made us his famous bacon, egg & cheese sandwiches! Sorry no pic... it wasn't around long enough for that.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Why I love Horse Racing...
Going to the horse races is so much fun. Matt is always serious with his picks. He looks at previous stats - if they've come in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, how they've done on grass or dirt, how they've done with this jockey, etc.
I, on the other hand, prefer the much more educated way of picking a horse - that one looks pretty! Or... Oh, I love that name! Seriously, have you ever looked at the names of some of these horses?
If you haven't, just take a little looksy at this race. The first minute or so is a little slow, but who can resist a fight to the finish between "Thewifedoesntknow" and "Thewifeknowseverything"!
I, on the other hand, prefer the much more educated way of picking a horse - that one looks pretty! Or... Oh, I love that name! Seriously, have you ever looked at the names of some of these horses?
If you haven't, just take a little looksy at this race. The first minute or so is a little slow, but who can resist a fight to the finish between "Thewifedoesntknow" and "Thewifeknowseverything"!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Derby Hats! ... or not
Yeah, it's May... mid May at that... and yes, I realize my last post was in January. That's how crazy things have been lately! I've been traveling for work on average about three weeks a month. I've been tired, what can I say? So, at least the good news is that you haven't missed out on anything fun or exciting that's been going on in our lives... because it hasn't!
Well, except of course Oaks and Derby Day! I took two days off of work for the first time this year and had a blast at Oaks Day! Churchill donned (is that how you spell it?) it's pink and so did Matt and I!

It was really a GORGEOUS day! So much so that I got some serious sunburn! I'll save you that pic! We got there bright and early and stayed... ALL... DAY.... LONG. But had lots of fun watching those fillies run for the lilies!
Then came Derby Day. Let's just say, we almost didn't even go. We watched the Weather Channel for a couple hours that morning and eventually decided we would go, but the cute outfits didn't exactly make the cut. The little black dress (for me, not Matt) stayed in the closet and out came the jeans, tennis shoes and raincoats... But I DID have a Derby Hat - what do you think? There's even some girly rhinestone bling on the rose and the numbers.

No, but seriously... it was wet all day. As a matter of fact, at one point in the day, this is what Derby winning jockey, Calvin Borel looked like:

Told ya! Gross... did you see the mud on his face too? That's awesome, Calvin. Just leave it there. Show those boys what a real jockey should look like.
Anywho... we were basically soaking wet all day when we were not bunched up under the few areas that were actually covered. I personally preferred to stand out in the rain over being smooshed up against some smoking drunk guy under cover. It got a liiittle claustrophobic.
So we left about an hour before the Derby started. It was so nice to get out of the rain and get home just in time... to see the sun come out over Churchill Downs via the television coverage. By the way - it's kinda funny to me to see all the glamour and beauty of Derby on TV. Those cameras don't stray far from Millionaire's Row down to where the regular folks are in the Paddock area. We just make it on the aerial shots. And the folks in the infield... well, they don't exist for NBC. Which, let's face it, it's probably a good thing. I bet the Chamber of Commerce pays television crews off for the promise of not filming where the (below)average Joe enjoys Derby.
I would definitely say that this little piece of heaven was the highlight of the day...that's right. Strawberries and bananas covered in white chocolate and milk chocolate. Yumm-o!

But overall, another fun adventure to add to our life list!
Well, except of course Oaks and Derby Day! I took two days off of work for the first time this year and had a blast at Oaks Day! Churchill donned (is that how you spell it?) it's pink and so did Matt and I!
It was really a GORGEOUS day! So much so that I got some serious sunburn! I'll save you that pic! We got there bright and early and stayed... ALL... DAY.... LONG. But had lots of fun watching those fillies run for the lilies!
Then came Derby Day. Let's just say, we almost didn't even go. We watched the Weather Channel for a couple hours that morning and eventually decided we would go, but the cute outfits didn't exactly make the cut. The little black dress (for me, not Matt) stayed in the closet and out came the jeans, tennis shoes and raincoats... But I DID have a Derby Hat - what do you think? There's even some girly rhinestone bling on the rose and the numbers.
No, but seriously... it was wet all day. As a matter of fact, at one point in the day, this is what Derby winning jockey, Calvin Borel looked like:
Told ya! Gross... did you see the mud on his face too? That's awesome, Calvin. Just leave it there. Show those boys what a real jockey should look like.
Anywho... we were basically soaking wet all day when we were not bunched up under the few areas that were actually covered. I personally preferred to stand out in the rain over being smooshed up against some smoking drunk guy under cover. It got a liiittle claustrophobic.
So we left about an hour before the Derby started. It was so nice to get out of the rain and get home just in time... to see the sun come out over Churchill Downs via the television coverage. By the way - it's kinda funny to me to see all the glamour and beauty of Derby on TV. Those cameras don't stray far from Millionaire's Row down to where the regular folks are in the Paddock area. We just make it on the aerial shots. And the folks in the infield... well, they don't exist for NBC. Which, let's face it, it's probably a good thing. I bet the Chamber of Commerce pays television crews off for the promise of not filming where the (below)average Joe enjoys Derby.
I would definitely say that this little piece of heaven was the highlight of the day...that's right. Strawberries and bananas covered in white chocolate and milk chocolate. Yumm-o!
But overall, another fun adventure to add to our life list!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I love Facebook
And here is just one of the many reasons why...
One of my "friends" on Facebook put up a status today that cracked me up. I'm withholding their name, but... too funny not to share:
(Facebook User) is wondering if I'm "hating" on the people who get 3 and 4 thousand dollar tax refunds... you can always tell when the check has come. thats when people wanna talk to you telling u about their new knock-off coach, lunch at red lobster, how u missed their all-star weekend party etc...but your car still smoking like a train and u still got that sofa that sits 2 inches off the floor! Its called priorities people...
One of my "friends" on Facebook put up a status today that cracked me up. I'm withholding their name, but... too funny not to share:
(Facebook User) is wondering if I'm "hating" on the people who get 3 and 4 thousand dollar tax refunds... you can always tell when the check has come. thats when people wanna talk to you telling u about their new knock-off coach, lunch at red lobster, how u missed their all-star weekend party etc...but your car still smoking like a train and u still got that sofa that sits 2 inches off the floor! Its called priorities people...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The "Inside" Scoop!
You've asked for it... and here it is! Well, ok, like two of you asked for it, but whatever...
So, I have this "thing" where I need color. Color and Order. Having those two things just makes me relax and feel at HOME! We couldn't paint at the apartment and it drove me crazy. So when we rented this house and everything was off-white, one of the first questions I asked was if we could paint. We got the go ahead and I was pumped!
So, we moved in the week before Thanksgiving, I had lots of traveling to do and then it was Christmas.
The week after Christmas, Mama and Brooke came up to help me get things in order. So, first, should out to them for coming to help. DEFINITELY couldn't have done it without them!
What am I saying, Mama did most of it,
Brooke had fun where she could - hence the BAF on my office wall... And Matt.... well, he warned us ahead of time that there was ALOT of football on. But the good thing is he said I could decorate however I wanted to as long as he didn't have to paint. And of course, he was kind enough to help move the big stuff when we needed him to. 
The Living Room
So this was the first room that was "finished" - and actually Matt did it all... before the bowl games. I absolutely love this room! It's so cozy and homey to me! How gorgeous are the curtains Mama made for us? And you'll see the pictures below were taken before Christmas. The ornaments on the mantel were all the Christmas decorating we had time to do this year! Our niece, Elisa, made them for us. The special one on the end is for Dixie.

Oh, and for those of you familiar with the story... that odd spot on the ceiling was "the incident" while we were gone at Thanksgiving. That's all I'm gonna say about that. (Oh, rentals...)

The Kitchen
Ok, so this isn't the whole kitchen because, well, it's not so cute. I have ideas of what I would do to make it prettier, but I don't think the owner will go for putting in the granite countertops that I would suggest... whatever. But, I just wanted to show this cabinet and hutch that I LOOOOOVE! I got it for around $200 at the Prattville Flea Market! It will be in my life forever.

Half Bath
Ok, so I'll just go around the house from there. Off the kitchen (randomly) is our little half bath. Before I just kept the door closed, cause white on white on white makes me want to vomit. It was a last minute decision to paint this room, but I'm SO glad we did. Now it's cute!
Tella! That's the fun Opal Soap that you sent me (that the apartment complex kept in their office for 6 months) on the sink! LOVE it! ;-) And yes, that picture above the toilet says "No Dumping". I took the picture next to a field out here and had it printed it for Matt for Christmas. He loved it, what can I say?

Dining Room
And then we'll go up the stairs...
Guest Bedroom
Ok, not done by any means, but I just wanted to show off the awesome headboard. Matt built it and Mama and I covered it... like two years ago... but I still am super proud of it!

Pretty Bathroom
I just realized this is a very odd picture, but at least you can see the shower curtain I love. AND - at first I wasn't sure how we would handle a smaller bathroom with one sink. But, what I have learned is a smaller bathroom means there's much less to clean! And THAT makes me happy.

Office / Craft Room!!!
Ahhhh.... Can I just say that there's nothing like having a calming, relaxing room that you have to spend the most of your time in? I absolutely love my office.
And HELLO! Does this awesome dresser make you want to just slap your mama or what? Look at those big ol knobs. Too cute! This was yet another flea market purchase - $70. And it, too, will be in my life forever. I can already picture all the different colors this thing is gonna be in it's lifetime!

And here's my desk area. So calming. The color... the lights... I don't even turn the overhead light on during the day. It might sound crazy, but I swear it has affected my mood during the work day too.

And then of course the awesome craft table that Matt made me for my birthday with baseball bat legs and a picture from our wedding day on top! (And a built in coaster for my drink.)

When I walk in to our bedroom, all I can think is "Breathe". Love it.

So there you go! Pics of the inside of our little home. Since most of you won't be able to come for a vist, I hope you enjoyed this electronic tour!
So, I have this "thing" where I need color. Color and Order. Having those two things just makes me relax and feel at HOME! We couldn't paint at the apartment and it drove me crazy. So when we rented this house and everything was off-white, one of the first questions I asked was if we could paint. We got the go ahead and I was pumped!
So, we moved in the week before Thanksgiving, I had lots of traveling to do and then it was Christmas.
What am I saying, Mama did most of it,
The Living Room
So this was the first room that was "finished" - and actually Matt did it all... before the bowl games. I absolutely love this room! It's so cozy and homey to me! How gorgeous are the curtains Mama made for us? And you'll see the pictures below were taken before Christmas. The ornaments on the mantel were all the Christmas decorating we had time to do this year! Our niece, Elisa, made them for us. The special one on the end is for Dixie.
Oh, and for those of you familiar with the story... that odd spot on the ceiling was "the incident" while we were gone at Thanksgiving. That's all I'm gonna say about that. (Oh, rentals...)
The Kitchen
Ok, so this isn't the whole kitchen because, well, it's not so cute. I have ideas of what I would do to make it prettier, but I don't think the owner will go for putting in the granite countertops that I would suggest... whatever. But, I just wanted to show this cabinet and hutch that I LOOOOOVE! I got it for around $200 at the Prattville Flea Market! It will be in my life forever.

Half Bath
Ok, so I'll just go around the house from there. Off the kitchen (randomly) is our little half bath. Before I just kept the door closed, cause white on white on white makes me want to vomit. It was a last minute decision to paint this room, but I'm SO glad we did. Now it's cute!
Tella! That's the fun Opal Soap that you sent me (that the apartment complex kept in their office for 6 months) on the sink! LOVE it! ;-) And yes, that picture above the toilet says "No Dumping". I took the picture next to a field out here and had it printed it for Matt for Christmas. He loved it, what can I say?
Dining Room
And then we'll go up the stairs...
Guest Bedroom
Ok, not done by any means, but I just wanted to show off the awesome headboard. Matt built it and Mama and I covered it... like two years ago... but I still am super proud of it!
Pretty Bathroom
I just realized this is a very odd picture, but at least you can see the shower curtain I love. AND - at first I wasn't sure how we would handle a smaller bathroom with one sink. But, what I have learned is a smaller bathroom means there's much less to clean! And THAT makes me happy.
Office / Craft Room!!!
Ahhhh.... Can I just say that there's nothing like having a calming, relaxing room that you have to spend the most of your time in? I absolutely love my office.
And HELLO! Does this awesome dresser make you want to just slap your mama or what? Look at those big ol knobs. Too cute! This was yet another flea market purchase - $70. And it, too, will be in my life forever. I can already picture all the different colors this thing is gonna be in it's lifetime!
And here's my desk area. So calming. The color... the lights... I don't even turn the overhead light on during the day. It might sound crazy, but I swear it has affected my mood during the work day too.
And then of course the awesome craft table that Matt made me for my birthday with baseball bat legs and a picture from our wedding day on top! (And a built in coaster for my drink.)
When I walk in to our bedroom, all I can think is "Breathe". Love it.
So there you go! Pics of the inside of our little home. Since most of you won't be able to come for a vist, I hope you enjoyed this electronic tour!
The Adventures of Dixie & Coco - Day 4
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Adventures of Dixie & Coco - Day 3
Yes, I realize I skipped Day 2. But that was Sunday and full of nothing but layin' around like lazy dogs!
So, Day 3... a Monday.
As you know, I work for home and Matt had to work as well so it was just me, tryin to work, and the two dogs who weren't really sure what to do without Matt at home to lay on.
But, it didn't take long for Coco to say, "Hey, I'm bored, how about I just jump on top of Dixie and bite her ears?!" To wish Dixie said, "I'll show you..."
... and proceeded to climb up the stairs and hang out with me since Coco is too scared to climb all the way up!
So that's what they did until Matt got home. Dixie looked down on Coco from atop her perch and Coco cried at the bottom of the stairs... until they both got tired of that and took naps in their respective locations.
So, Day 3... a Monday.
As you know, I work for home and Matt had to work as well so it was just me, tryin to work, and the two dogs who weren't really sure what to do without Matt at home to lay on.
But, it didn't take long for Coco to say, "Hey, I'm bored, how about I just jump on top of Dixie and bite her ears?!" To wish Dixie said, "I'll show you..."
... and proceeded to climb up the stairs and hang out with me since Coco is too scared to climb all the way up!
So that's what they did until Matt got home. Dixie looked down on Coco from atop her perch and Coco cried at the bottom of the stairs... until they both got tired of that and took naps in their respective locations.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Movin' On Up!
Oh, and by the way, we've moved!
You may (or may not) have realized that from the other posts of the snow falling the other day...
We were living in an apartment for the past couple years, but it just got small!
There are two things we needed in our lives to make it a little less stressful:
1) A yard for Dixie
2) Room to move! (When you work from home, a two bedroom apartment gets real small and real boring real fast!)
So we found this cute older home in the most adorable little neighborhood. We've spent some time making it pretty but every day it feels more and more cozy and perfect for us right now!
Ain't it cute in the snow?

And yes, the blinds stay like that in the front. Don't you see that Dixie has to look out!?
I'll be posting some more pics of our "pretty" transformation later...
You may (or may not) have realized that from the other posts of the snow falling the other day...
We were living in an apartment for the past couple years, but it just got small!
There are two things we needed in our lives to make it a little less stressful:
1) A yard for Dixie
2) Room to move! (When you work from home, a two bedroom apartment gets real small and real boring real fast!)
So we found this cute older home in the most adorable little neighborhood. We've spent some time making it pretty but every day it feels more and more cozy and perfect for us right now!
Ain't it cute in the snow?
And yes, the blinds stay like that in the front. Don't you see that Dixie has to look out!?
I'll be posting some more pics of our "pretty" transformation later...
The Adventures of Dixie and Coco - Day 1
We have a house guest for the next week. There's ups and downs to this house guest. I didn't have to dust, vacuum, and make sure everything was in it's proper place before she got here (even though I am a little overdue for that anyway...) so that was good. But I did have to make sure I have plenty of extra treats on hand.
It's our favorite brown mut - I mean - brown peekapoo (minus the peekapoo build & mentality), Coco.
Yeah, Mama needed someone to help look after her, so Matt, Dixie, and I drove to Franklin, TN today to meet them halfway for the exchange. Well, Matt drove. Dixie and I were chillin.
So, I thought to help Mama not worry so much about being away from her little rugrat I would post about... the daily adventures of Dixie & Coco.
Let's just say the first thing I did this morning when we were heading out was call to make sure that Mama and Brooke had given Coco her "Pup - Ease" to calm her down a bit. They had.
And she... did... pretty well...

Meanwhile, The Princess was a little perturbed that she had to share. For a little while she acted like a teenager who was ticked off at her parents and refused to talk to us.

But just now, I'd say we're getting a little used to each other again. They've eaten, pottied and now they are pooped! It's a rough life.

And no, Mother, they still have not eaten people food. Coco will be coming back to you a lean, mean, DOG food eatin' machine.
It's our favorite brown mut - I mean - brown peekapoo (minus the peekapoo build & mentality), Coco.
Yeah, Mama needed someone to help look after her, so Matt, Dixie, and I drove to Franklin, TN today to meet them halfway for the exchange. Well, Matt drove. Dixie and I were chillin.
So, I thought to help Mama not worry so much about being away from her little rugrat I would post about... the daily adventures of Dixie & Coco.
Let's just say the first thing I did this morning when we were heading out was call to make sure that Mama and Brooke had given Coco her "Pup - Ease" to calm her down a bit. They had.
And she... did... pretty well...
Meanwhile, The Princess was a little perturbed that she had to share. For a little while she acted like a teenager who was ticked off at her parents and refused to talk to us.

But just now, I'd say we're getting a little used to each other again. They've eaten, pottied and now they are pooped! It's a rough life.
And no, Mother, they still have not eaten people food. Coco will be coming back to you a lean, mean, DOG food eatin' machine.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ain't they cute?
Lookin Like a Foo...
Wit yo pan-s on da groun...
In case you missed it last night on American Idol, here he is.... the man, the myth, the legend.... the guy tellin' dem you lookin' like a foo wit de groun:
I did that one cause I figured they would remove the official one, but for the next little while it may still be up:
In case you missed it last night on American Idol, here he is.... the man, the myth, the legend.... the guy tellin' dem you lookin' like a foo wit de groun:
I did that one cause I figured they would remove the official one, but for the next little while it may still be up:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Too early!
So, I've been working out pretty consistently the past couple weeks. I keep telling myself I'm actually going to get up EARLY and work out rather than fitting it in for my lunch break. One morning I actually accomplished this! Yes, just one...
I didn't want to wake Matt up so I got dressed in the dark. And when I got downstairs and turned the light on, this is what I saw...

What can I say? I'm not exactly what you would call a morning person...
I didn't want to wake Matt up so I got dressed in the dark. And when I got downstairs and turned the light on, this is what I saw...
What can I say? I'm not exactly what you would call a morning person...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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