Well, folks, it's official. The first time I saw Sarah Palin, I looked at my husband and I said two things:
Yes, I do love her...
1) I know who's going to play her on Saturday Night Live... she looks just like Tina Fay.
2) I bet her makeup is Mary Kay.
And, I was right... about both. It has been "confirmed" through the Mary Kay circles, that yes, Sarah Palin does wear Mary Kay. Gotta love that pit bull lipstick!
So, that leaves me with this to say -
If you're interested in giving Mary Kay a try, you should. I love these products and I love selling these awesome products. Let me know if you're interested in setting something up! Or you can check out my website at www.marykay.com/hopeallene!

and it looks like she might be wearing some Downtown Brown! :)