Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkins are done!

So last week, (yes, behind in blog, blah blah) we finished up our pumpkins!! All three - one for Matt, me and Dixie! Here's the rundown...

I mean, can you really have too many pumpkin gut pictures. That's the "best part", right?

I never have been a huge fan of "getting my hands dirty"....

Even the mini-me has guts!

Dixie checking out "her" pumpkin... she wasn't too sure about it at first!

Then she was amazed by it!

And here it is! The final result of our hard work... Matt's Bat, Hope's Spider, and Dixie's paw!

Too bad we did this just a little too early and they are now all out by the trash full of mold... Oh well, it was fun and we learned our lesson for next year!


  1. You are my pumpkin-carving hero. Great job.

  2. Thanks, Lucy... I try! And I'm glad you read my blog. I love reading yours. It makes me smile!
